with Qigong
Fluidity in motion and ease in stillness supports optimal health.
Healing occurs when energy (Qi) is circulating evenly throughout the body in motion and at rest. Qi, in excess or deficiency, results in dysfunction or pain.
Qigong is active self-healing motion that activates the body’s natural intelligence to support energy flow throughout the body and organ systems.
Based on ancient Chinese Medicine, qigong practice involves moving the body with structural precision, rhythmic breath, and mind-body cohesion.
Improve balance, stability & resilience
strength & stamina
digestion & excretion
Alleviate chronic conditions
frozen shoulder
back pain
joint problems
immune system
Manage aging & life transitions
natural aging processes
effects of invasive surgeries or medical treatments
Support mental & emotional balance
mental clarity
emotional stability
healing from psychological trauma
detoxification from harmful or recreational substances
Practice embodied empowerment
clarity of mind
body-mind alignment
patience & perseverance

QigongPK are a team of qigong movement practitioners with a holistic approach to body-mind health. With a base in Islamabad, Pakistan, we practice and teach in synergy with Ajahn Toh of Thai Qi Holistics (TQH), Thailand.
The TQH System uses a unique approach – the wisdom of ancient qigong applied for the modern world. Our approach tackles the habits and patterns of modern lifestyle to improve the quality of daily living.
Shazia Mohamed
Shazia practices qigong for personal health and began using it as an adjunctive routine in her therapeutic practice as an art therapist and clinical supervisor. Seeing the benefits of the practice for herself and others, she offers a unique hybrid model of qigong motion and therapy for holistic healing.
Ibadullah Shaikh
Ibad’s spiritual journey began with a twelve step recovery program, and is enriched
with mindfulness educator training. The TQH System of qigong body movement helps deepen his understanding of energy and use it in a daily practice to support physical strength, mental clarity, and energetic balance.
Ibad applies the study of the universal principles of existence on a permaculture farm.

The TQH System of Qigong offers tiers of courses for the practical study of energy as it affects the body and health in daily life.
Practitioners learn qigong movement, alignment techniques, qi massage, and an understanding of universal principles that govern our natural existence.
With the guidance of the TQH System, you can learn to activate natural self-healing resources for recovery, rehabilitation, and self-empowerment.
Foundation Course
The Foundation Course is suitable for beginners and regular practitioners who are keen to use active self-healing techniques in their daily life to build immunity, restore health and empower their natural capabilities. This course frames the essentials for learning with the Seven Static Series. This series of seven motions guides one to ground the feet, support the spine, and balance the body to invigorate the body’s innate healing power. In the course, key meridian lines and acupuncture points are activated with movements and foundational concepts for health and well-being. This course is suitable for beginners who may not be practitioners of qigong and for practitioners who are new to the TQH System of practice. The Foundation course is approximately three months long and comprises 30-36 hours of group practice and about 6-8 hours of private consultation sessions. Participants practice qigong on a regular, weekly basis, 2-4 times a week. This course begins with an intake consultation & medical history in a private assessment session. A Foundation Course participant will then be invited to join the group qigong sessions or work privately at first, to prepare the body and mind for the group sessions. Private sessions are offered as an adjunct in this program to address any particular issues or challenges that arise in the course. Foundation Course cost: PKR 100,000* *Payment plans may be requested.
Therapeutic Program
When more serious chronic physical or mental health conditions are present, a customized therapeutic approach is required to support healing and recovery. The therapeutic program offers a comprehensive assessment and private, customized healing and support in these cases. Chronic cases such a frozen shoulder, inflammation, circulatory, digestive or respiratory issues, insomnia and anxiety are some examples that have shown moderate to dramatic improvements with our therapeutic program. These sessions may be offered online or in person, in Islamabad or Chiang Mai (Thailand). The therapeutic program begins with private sessions with tailored movements to prepare the mind and body to release pain and improve overall functioning. Using the TQH movement system, this program applies specialized techniques that address problems that may have accumulated over time, or due to several coinciding factors. The therapeutic program is designed according to the presenting symptoms and goals. This may include breathing techniques, qigong movement, therapeutic consultations, qi massage, medical theory and more. The cost of an introductory 12 session package in the therapeutic program starts at PKR 150,000.
Monthly Online Qigong Program for Practitioners
The monthly online program is for those who have completed the Foundation Course and opt to continue with weekly Qigong practice to support health, enhance their learning, and improve their physical and mental health conditions. Monthly Cost PKR 30,000* (*standard rate may vary if additional therapeutic support is needed.)
Instructor Course

The Instructor Course is suitable for those who have completed at least 20 sessions of the Foundation Course and are keen for more immersive study and self-healing work. In the Instructor Course, static and dynamic motions, healing qi massage, adjustment techniques, and medical theory are taught in conjunction with medical case studies to support and guide a deeper understanding of the physical body and its energy system. It is offered in synergy with TQH Central in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and international instructors to develop future holistic healthcare practitioners. Instructor Course retreats are offered on an annual basis for Instructor Course participants in Thailand or other international venues. Instructor Course standard rate is Thai Baht 200,000*. *Given the recent PKR devaluation, special offers may be worked out.
Private Groups and Therapeutic Retreats
QigongPK has conducted a variety of programs, for seniors, adults and young people in schools and organizations such as senior centers, rehabilitation residences, hospital settings, and private studios. The customized programs for select individuals or private groups may be weekend retreats or ongoing weekly programs that support the physical and mental health of individuals, groups and communities. The duration, approaches, and costs vary and may be tailored according to the needs the conditions of the group. We organize seasonal private retreats at Ikhlaas Farm for immersive learning, healing and recovery.
Inquiries for public sessions, workshops and events
Open/public sessions and workshops are offered from time to time. To learn about the current offerings, please fill out the form at the end.

Nida Khan, 38, Pakistan
My work involves taking in emotionally charged material for hours at a time, while I'm largely sitting for the same duration. Over the years, I could feel my gut and chest accumulate this tension. With weakened lungs and a predisposition for pneumonia, before Qigong, I used to suffer an acute illness once a year. Additionally, I was dealing with chronic foot pain from a 15- year old injury which resulted in poor balance, instability and fear.
Qigong was such a shift in my learning – moving from thinking and perceptions to actually sensing the body. I learned how to drop the breath to my feet, sense alignment, become more aware of my body habits. This awareness has changed the way I sit, stand, breathe, and ground my feet.
My foot changed and is less swollen. My lungs are stronger and I can breathe with greater ease.
I resented Shazia and Ibad for the relentless repetition of movement, but that cultivation of sensing would only be possible with that guidance. They embody qigong as their path, and as such, they share a holistic perspective on living in alignment with the body.
For anyone who's seeking to experience their body as their refuge, working with Shazia and Ibad is the path.

Kamil Khan, 23, Canada
Consulting Analyst
I started qigong sessions in the summer of 2020 during a series of lockdowns in Karachi. After talking to Shazia and Ibad about a bone issue in my left foot and chronic foot pain while standing, walking and running, qigong seemed to be right way forward.
The sessions on grounding were particularly beneficial. They made me conscious of how to plant my feet when I stand and walk. Since then I’ve seen a tremendous reduction in foot pain and can finally run longer distances again. Shazia and Ibad are both extremely patient, understanding and incredibly knowledgeable.
Even if you have the slightest curiosity about qigong I highly recommend getting in touch with them. If it wasn’t for them I may have considered a surgical route that would’ve left me bed ridden for months!

Zainab. M, 70, Pakistan
I started qigong with Shazia and Ibad in early 2020 as I wanted to start a holistic practice for well being. I also had some knee issues and general stiffness. It's been nearly 3 years and I am so glad I did. My knee issues have all but resolved, stiffness is markedly improved and it makes me feel good. More importantly I have learnt to sense my body better and feel empowered to make the adjustments necessary for my own health.
Shazia and Ibad are actually living the practice and that makes them the ideal instructors as their encouragement, concern and support are key. I am so grateful

Liisa T, 56, Canada
Financial Planner
Having had trauma in my background and having a deep desire to continue to heal and to connect with my body I asked a friend about qigong practice. Because of COVID restrictions, it was being offered online so I signed up.
When I started qigong, I had a lot of trouble taking a deep breath - the tension in my shoulders was immense since I work at my computer most of the day.
Through the practice of qigong, I am now able to take full deep breaths and I am able to release my shoulders. I have learned so much about how to hold my body in alignment with the earth and natural gravitational forces. I have learned about how energy moves through my body and being grounded in my feet, hands and centre.
I also developed frozen shoulder as a result of a canoeing injury. I was told by my doctors it could take two years, and possibly a surgery. Practicing qigong, I was able to regain full mobility in my shoulder within six or seven months, without surgery.
From an emotional perspective, qigong practice is a safe space in which I can be where I am with no judgement, which is invaluable.
Working with Shazia and Ibad has been extremely nurturing and encouraging, an environment in which I can grow and learn at my own pace. It is a wonderful community and Shazia and Ibad are committed to the practice and the process.
I recommend trying it out. I know it is a practice I will pursue for my lifetime.

Benjamin Kallwies, Germany
Automobile restoration
A friend of mine in Chiang Mai mentioned qigong practice that she was doing on a weekly basis.
I didn't know anything about it but somehow it interested me. So I decided to explore it for myself. Because I do a lot of sitting meditation, I was looking for something that can help relax and train the body to sit for long periods of time.
In the beginning it was not easy to follow the guidance of the teachers but with regular practice and a retreat, it got much better.
Now after 2 years, the movements seem familiar and I can practice fluently.
There is noticeably more flexibility, especially in my shoulder joint which was operated on. I love to hike and I also sense a lot more control in my legs on difficult terrain.
Working with Shazia and Ibad, I found it very interesting to receive teachings from the female and male side. They complete each other very well, their teaching method is clear, simple and without the pressure of time.
I am happy that TQH came into my life and really feel that it works.
Ikhlaas Farm

Located in Tumair, Islamabad, about 40 minutes from Serena Hotel and 10 minutes from Bahria Enclave Main Gate, Ikhlaas farm is where we practice and teach qigong. On a visit you may delve in a:
qigong practice, alignment and qi massage
witness permaculture principles to enrich ecosystems
enjoy a farm-to-table meal with us
experience a dip in the pond and play with the animals
To schedule a session and a visit to Ikhlaas Farm, please write in to us at qigongpk@gmail.com